Given the nature of the mobile app “Flying Adventures”, the main candidate for testing would be “Tree Testing”.
Attempting to carrying out Eye tracking testing would be impractical since the app is used during flight and any possibility for the hardware to become obtrusive is unacceptable.
A/B testing could be useful but I think Tree testing is the best solution because information architecture and the users ability to intuitively navigate the app while flying an aircraft is critical and needs to feel as natural as possible for safety and because the primary purpose of the app is to increase engagement in flying activities with the intent of leading more pilots to sign up or renew their AOPA memberships.
Tree testing data of successes and failures enable us to see where the users were unsuccessful or took additional time allows each iteration to be a more polished experience and fit the average pilot.
For example, if users are slow to navigate between a particular set of screens and/or have multiple failures take place in a repeatable pattern, we could change the existing controls, insert new navigation controls, or find more natural ways to move between screens such as using gestures.
Another possibility is that content may need to be restructured and distributed amongst the available screens or even require the development of additional screens in order to support the restructuring of content.
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