- Find out (input) original travel time estimate, store as “timeEst_old”
- Find out (input) new travel time estimate, store as “timeEst_new”
- Find out (input) the previously scheduled landing time, store as “landingTime_old”
- Calculate the difference between the old and new travel time estimates. Store as “timeDiff”
- Calculate timeDiff plus landingTime_old. Store value as “landingTime_new”
- Find out (input) the list of available landing times at Courtenay airfield. Store as “availableTimes”
- Check if the list is Empty.
- If empty, output landing destination as Smit’s field.
- If list is not emtpy, Read the 1st item in the list and store as “landingWindow”
- Compare each landingWindow against the the landingTime_new
- If the landingWindow is past the landingTime_new, Output the Courtenay airfield
- If the landingWindow is earlier than landingTime_new, repeat checking the list until no items remain.
This works.
Here is my version:
Looking at yours helped a lot, being able to see how you broke things down. This particular skill of computational thinking is definitly what I have been missing all these years in my algorithms. As I get more time available I will definitly practicing this in addition to using it while I’m learning here. Your example document has even made my bedroom wall, much to the dismay of my wife. haha